Giant Solomon’s Seal (Commutation sp.) grows at the edge of my spring wildflower garden. The garden is between a pine and a hackberry tree, with a sweetgum to the south. The arch of the Solomon’s Seal is three feet high.
The flowers are 3/4 inch long.
The three to five flowers dangle from the leaf axils.
Then I find this caterpillar on a young wild cherry tree nearby. I have yet to identify it.
I went back out later to take a couple more pictures. And … one of the adult ground hogs came part way out of the barn while I was still out there, which was definitely a first! They usually dart under the barn if they see me moving in the house.
What a morning!and wasn’t even 10 a.m. yet!
An hour later I looked out the picture window, and there was a red-eared slider heading east across the back yard. it didn’t cooperate while I was out there.
What a morning!!